For 25 years Ken Keis, Ph.D., has been helping individuals and organizations reach their greatest potential.
When you have a guide down the path to success, something amazing happens. Your mind opens up to opportunities that were right in front of you all along. Challenging situations suddenly undo themselves with ease and conflict begins to dissolve. Profit and employee satisfaction go up, and stress and turnover go down. But how do you get there?
Reading Ken’s books, having him coach you personally or speak at an event are all different opportunities that are available right now at your doorstep.
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Ken also has other tools to help you on your journey to success. His company, CRG, offers a series of integrated assessments to help you and those you serve understand themselves better--and therefore do better. Find out more

CRG’s flagship tool, called the Personal Style Indicator (PSI), defines your typical reactions to people, tasks, and situations. Once you're aware of your preferences, you can consciously make choices to bring your life... Find out more
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